Entrepreneurial Muslim LIVE

The first ever EM Live event was conducted by Aaqib Ahmed in London, UK in October of 2016. Alhamdulillah we had nearly 200 attendees from several countries across the globe. It was a truly memorable occasion as it symbolized the closeness we have to one another as Entrepreneurial Muslims. Our common mission to leave a legacy in this life and the next and our bond as Muslim brothers and sisters connects us in the most beautiful manner even as we live in different parts of the world. Below you will find some of the recordings of the presentations delivered at EM Live. You will also find some of the attendees sharing their experiences.

Moe Nawaz

Recruiting Top Talent

Strategic advisor and Mentor to the FTSE 100 leaders, Moe Nawaz has created one the most dynamic learning communities in the world through his peer mastermind groups. The entrepreneurs and leaders in his communities help each other to learn. Since Moe has been running his communities of mastermind groups, taking a very conservative figure even by cutting it in half Moe has increased revenues in excess of £760 million.

Shahbaz Mirza

200,000 App Downloads

Currently, Shahbaz works as a Strategy Consultant for high growth innovative startups, government initiatives and multinational corporations. As a Chartered Accountant who began his career with PwC, he has worked extensively across multi-industry corporate UK and US companies in the fields of business operations, financial modeling and business strategy. He is the Founder of Ramadan Legacy, the World's No. 1 App for Ramadan and being named 'the next generation' entrepreneur by Management Today.


Tahera Akhtar

Sisters Starting a Business

Tahera Akther is the founder, head teacher and one of the directors of Olive Tree Study one of the top weekend Islamic school based in London with team of 60 staff members. In the past year she has been working on two developments – The Tajweed Nasheed Rhymes for children, and The Amazing Arabic Writing App, in which she played a key role as the songwriter and producer. Her latest venture, called the ‘Super MusliMUM is an online course aimed primarily at Muslim mothers to give them a daily guide on how to make the most out of being an amazing mum and also how to reach ones full potential as a human being by finding a balance in achieving goals for the dunyah and akhirah.

Azzam Sheikh

10 Hours Weekly + Hit 5-Figures

Azzam Sheikh is passionate about entrepreneurship, marketing and helping businesses grow through implementing digital marketing strategies. Azzam started optimizing content for online search and testing the results for eCommerce websites back in 1997. The results led to an understanding of search performance and conversion rate optimisations. Azzam specializes in Search Optimization, Content Marketing, Social/Viral Promotion and Paid Search Advertising Management.


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